Becoming Dr. Health Equity Jazz - Issue #5

Let’s talk the new year and how you can support me…

“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

⌛️Length Warning: Take your time reading this one.

Girl, What's Been Going On?!

Happy New Year! 🎊

We made it to 2023. Three years in a pandemic, but we made it! I don’t know if I’m just tired of being anxious and depressed, if the Prozac is finally working, or if it was the two weeks off from work and school, (or maybe the combo of all of that), but y’all I am *cautiously* excited for 2023. Of course the public health and health equity part of my brain is very aware that 2023 is likely to show its ass in all the pandemic, racism, white supremacy ways the last few years have, but I think the fighter part of my brain is like bring it - I’m ready. (I’ll add that 2023 is already off to a banner start with the absolute comedy show of the Speaker of The House voting… whew… this is going to be a political year for the books… again 🙄)

In my last newsletter, I promised that I would share some of the goals I have for 2023. Sticking true to my word, I am going to share a bit about my goal choosing process. To be clear, these are not resolutions - these are goals and manifestations that I am speaking into the universe. When you’ve been through the wringer a few times with life like I have, you learn to accept that energy, manifestation, and divine intervention are all real. We may call it different things, or try to ignore it, but it’s there. Below I’m going to outline my process this year, in the order that it happened. If you’re still planning for 2023, please don’t feel obliged to follow my steps. Do what feels good for you.

Step 1. Create the Vision Board: In a previous therapy relationship, one of my sessions was to create a vision board for the year. As I decided what pictures and words to cut out, I had to explain to her why I was choosing the item, how it made me feel, and what my hope or goal was around it. That was probably the second time I created a vision board in that manner. (The first was back in middle/high school with my best friend Gena — and it was a vision for my life… whew the vision has definitely changed. My [childhood] dream car hasn’t though 👀) After creating the vision board with my therapist, I noticed that I started to see the images and numbers and feelings in my life in small and big ways. It felt like I had cultivated the year that I wanted and needed. Did everything I envisioned happen? Of course not, but having a constant visual reminder of what I dreamed of helped ground my everyday actions and decisions.

After that positive experience with my vision board, I decided to try to recreate the magic this year. During the last week of the year I used the FreeForm app to create a vision board that encompasses what I want for my career, finances, school, and personal life. I’m completely biased, but my 2023 vision board is gorgeous, calming, and affirming. It brings me joy… and in the process of creating it, my word for 2023 found me.

A photo of a classic lime green Volkswagen Bug car, my childhood dream car 😍.

A photo of a classic lime green Volkswagen Bug car, my childhood dream car 😍.

Step 2. Choose a Word: I’ll be honest, I wasn’t going to choose a word for the year. 2020 scarred me. 😩 But like I said, my word for 2023 found me and whispered to me that I needed to accept it, and so I did. If you’re an Instagram or LinkedIn follower, you already know that my word for the year is worthy. Six letters that together carry the weight of the world, especially for Black women. I’m still processing my word choice, but you know it’s the right word when it causes you pause and some discomfort.

Step 3. Write the Goals: On January 1, I wrote out my business goals for HEJ. I wrote manifestations and specific goals and metrics. My manifestations were written as what will happen in 2023 for HEJ. For example, “I will hire a part-time virtual assistant.” My specific goals were around my follower counts, content creation, partnership, product offerings, and profit. I hope to come back to these goals on a quarterly basis to see how I’m doing. I didn’t do that in 2022, and even though I accomplished a lot in 2022, I wasn’t strategic enough to hit some of the goals I set because I honestly forgot about them.

Where I likely differ from some other people… I did not feel the need to write out my personal goals because my vision board was created with careful intent. Looking at each photo, I know the goal behind it, the desire behind it, and I can see it with clarity. I wholeheartedly believe some things are better said without words (and y’all know I love words 😉).

Step 4. Put It Where You Can See It: This is the most important step. Make sure you can see your vision everyday. Put it on your wall, make it your Lock Screen, put it on your refrigerator, blow it up and put it in your office - make sure you can see it everyday! Our brains need to be reminded of what we’re trying to accomplish to keep you on track. If you make your vision board and never see it again until the end of the year, you’re not capitalizing on the magic of the universe.

So, this was my process over the last couple of weeks. If you haven’t gotten around to do your goals yet or have never thought about setting goals at the start of the year, I hope you found this helpful. If you want to share your goals or word for the year, I’d love to help you manifest this year. ✨

How's School?!

School is on a break! Phew. Do you know how good it feels to say that? I am soaking up every second of not having to balance my mental health, school, work, and personal life. The balance act is not easy, but I know it’s on a countdown, and with every term I’m getting closer to the finish line.

When the third term starts I will be taking three courses (one in person). I am very excited for these courses as two of the courses will be led by Black women and they’re all related to what I want to explore in my research. Starting January 23, my classes will be:

  1. Adolescent Health and Development

  2. Children in Crisis: An Asset-Based Approach to Working with Vulnerable Youth

  3. Prevention of Mental Disorders: Public Health Interventions

What Are You Doing For Fun?

I’m planning all the trips. 😳

Y’all this is scary and fun for me at the same time. The pandemic mind in me is still saying this isn’t the right time to travel, but the part of me that likes embracing the uncomfortable is saying GO! So I’m planning trips, short and local, long and far. I am planning to be on the move this year, so catch me when you can.

Wait, What's Next?

You know I didn’t spend all this time talking about my goals to not have some stuff already figured out to share with y’all…

Gif of a Black man wearing a red suit and hat rubbing his hands together like Birdman.

Gif of a Black man wearing a red suit and hat rubbing his hands together like Birdman.

Premium Subscriptions: If you were with me on Revue, you know I offered a premium subscription option for people wanting to financially support my work and in return learn a bit more about the personal side of my journey. I’m happy to bring that back with beehiiv! As I have had more time to think through how I want to share my stories, but also keep some things to smaller communities, this feels like the best way. For $8 per month, or $88 per year, you’ll have access to a more frequent newsletter that will be more centered around the Jasmine behind Health Equity Jazz. You’ll get to follow my travel adventures, the ways I embrace my word of the year, and how I start to order my steps to become a single mother by choice. To be clear, I will still be sharing this Becoming Dr. Health Equity Jazz newsletter for free. Over time it will become more focused on school, research planning, and thoughts based on readings, lectures, etc. Of course, I’ll keep everyone updated on my mental health, because that’s a big part of the school journey and deserves to be highlighted in all the places. If you want to upgrade to the premium subscription for free, I’m running a free trial through February 1. Additional questions? Email me!

HEJ Birthday Wishlist: One of the cool things about social media is learning all the different ways in which people celebrate themselves. Over the past year, Munchy has shared her Amazon wishlist for back to school and her birthday. I found myself shocked that it was so easy for her to share a wishlist with the world and claim gifts as they came. I have a hard time with asking for anything and accepting gifts. (Yes, I’m unpacking this in therapy… don’t worry Jen is making me do the work 😓) However, in embracing my 2023 word of the year, I decided to follow in Munchy’s footsteps and allow people to love on me. If you’re into gift giving, or looking for gift ideas for yourself, check out my Amazon wishlist. FYI: My birthday is March 1. 🥳

Support my AFSP Out of the Darkness Overnight Walk: There’s going to be a lot more shared about this over the next few months, but I wanted to let y’all know before everyone else that I have officially registered for the 2023 American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) Out of the Darkness Overnight Walk in Washington, DC. This will be my third overnight walk and I am excited to once again highlight and elevate the conversation around suicide and mental health this year. I have created a team, if anyone is interested in joining me. There is a fundraising requirement, which in the past, I’ve exceeded every time. If you’re interested in learning more, just let me know. My personal page is linked below.

Help Me Personalize This Community: Over the past couple of weeks, I created a form to learn more about new subscribers. I appreciate those of you who have recently joined and taken the time to answer my intake questions. Since I carried most of you from Revue with me, you have not had the opportunity to fill it out. I hope you take a few moments and answer a few quick questions. It’ll help me plan for future drop dates, the frequency of sliding into your inboxes, and personalize my commentary.

Okay, I threw a lot at y’all. I hope this has been helpful and illuminating. I appreciate each and every one of you! 😘

Until next time, always remember to take up as much space as you need.


or to participate.